What is an integer

Now Playing:What is an integer – Example 0a
  1. Introduction to What Is an Integer?
  2. Introduction to What Is an Integer?
    Definition of an Integer
  3. Introduction to What Is an Integer?
    Integers on a number line
  1. Representation of Integers

    Find an integer for each of the following scenarios.

    1. Tony bought a dozen of eggs.

    2. Sabrina dropped 8 dollars.

    3. Number of students in a class remains unchanged.

What is an integer
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In this lesson, we will learn:

  • Understanding Integers
  • Representation of Integers
  • Locating Integers on a Number Line
  • Comparing Integers Using Inequality Symbols

  • Integers include all the whole numbers and their negative selves.
  • Whole numbers: all natural numbers including 0.
  • Natural numbers: 1, 2, 3, …
  • Number line:
    • Can be either vertical or horizontal.
    • Values in between intervals must be constant (not necessarily 1).
    • Numbers increase in value as we move up/right.
  • Inequality symbols:
    • >: greater than
    • <: less than