Balancing Redox Equations: Unlock Advanced Chemistry
Master the art of balancing redox equations using two powerful methods. Gain essential skills for advanced chemistry, electrochemistry, and real-world applications in corrosion science and battery technology.

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Now Playing:Balancing redox equations – Example 0a
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  1. Balancing redox equations
  2. Balancing redox equations
    Two methods to balance redox.
  3. Balancing redox equations
    Balancing redox using half-equations.
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  1. Balance and complete the following redox equations using either oxidation numbers or half-equations. All are in acidic conditions.
    1. Sn2+ + IO3-\enspace \enspace Sn4+ + I-

    2. Cr3+ + BiO3-\enspace \enspace Bi2+ + Cr2O72-

    3. MnO4- + SO2 \enspace \enspace Mn2+ + HSO4-

Introduction to chemical formulae

In this lesson, we will learn:

  • To recall the two methods for completing full redox equations.
  • How to complete redox equations using oxidation numbers.
  • How to complete redox equations using half-equations.


  • We have seen two ways to work with redox reactions:
    • We can split the redox reaction in half to show the reduction and oxidation processes separately. This gives us two half-equations.
      These half-equations show the electrons lost or gained in the separate processes, and the number of electrons must match in the overall equation.
    • We can assign oxidation numbers to the atoms involved in the reaction. Some oxidation numbers will change from reactants to products as atoms are either reduced or oxidized. The overall change in oxidation numbers must be zero in the overall equation to balance out.

  • This will depend on your curriculum, but generally to start a redox question, you will only be given compounds containing major atoms.
    In practice, this means an unbalanced equation with no H+ or H2O present. You must complete the redox equation from this point. In this lesson we will practice completing and balancing them.

  • Worked example using half-equations:

    Cr(OH)3 + Cl2 \enspace \enspace CrO42- + Cl-

    This equation needs to be split into its half equations. This is done by separating the species with major atoms into separate equations:

    \quad Equation 1: \quad \qquad \qquad \quad Cr(OH)3 \enspace \enspace CrO42- \qquad \qquad \qquad \qquad \qquad \qquad
    Equation 2:   \quad \qquad \qquad \qquad \quad \; Cl2 \enspace \enspace Cl- \qquad \qquad \qquad \qquad \qquad \qquad

    First for equation 1, balance the major atoms. The Cr is already balanced so no change:

    Cr(OH)3\enspace \enspace CrO42-

    Then equation 2 where the Cl atoms need to be balanced:

    Cl2\enspace \enspace 2CL-

    Next, balance the oxygen atoms:

    Equation 1: \quad \qquad \qquad \, Cr(OH)3 + H2O\enspace \enspace CrO42-\qquad \qquad \qquad \qquad \qquad \qquad
    Equation 2:   \quad \qquad \qquad \qquad \quad \; Cl2 \enspace \enspace 2Cl- \qquad \qquad \qquad \qquad \qquad \qquad \qquad

    Next, balance the hydrogen atoms:

    \enspace \: Equation 1: \quad \qquad \enspace Cr(OH)3 + H2O \enspace \enspace CrO42-+ 5 H+ \qquad \qquad \qquad \qquad \qquad \qquad
    Equation 2:   \quad \qquad \qquad \qquad \quad \; Cl2 \enspace \enspace 2Cl- \qquad \qquad \qquad \qquad \qquad \qquad \qquad

    Finally, balance the charge:

    Equation 1: \quad \qquad \qquad Cr(OH)3 + H2O \enspace \enspace CrO42- + 5 H+ + 3e- \qquad \qquad \qquad
    \qquad Equation 2: \quad \qquad \qquad \qquad \quad \enspace \, 2e- + Cl2 \enspace \enspace 2Cl- \qquad \qquad \qquad \qquad \qquad \qquad

    Now with two complete half-equations, we need to re-combine them with an equal number of electrons on both sides. Three are transferred in equation 1, only two are transferred in equation 2, so if we multiply both equations to have six on both sides we will balance:

    Equation 1: \quad \qquad \qquad 2 x [ Cr(OH)3 + H2O\enspace \enspace CrO42- + 5H+ + 3e- ] \qquad \qquad \qquad
    \qquad Equation 2: \quad \qquad \qquad \qquad \quad \enspace \, 3 x [ 2e- + Cl2\enspace \enspace 2Cl- ] \qquad \qquad \qquad \qquad \qquad \qquad

    Multiplying and combining these equations with the electrons removed gives us a final balanced redox equation. This is the final equation; atoms and charge must balance now!

    Full equation: \quad \qquad \qquad 2Cr(OH)3 + 2H2O + 3Cl2\enspace \enspace 2CrO42- + 10H+ + 6Cl- \qquad \qquad \qquad

    Worked example using oxidation numbers:

    SO32- + Cr2O72-\enspace \enspace SO42- + Cr3+

    The total change in oxidation number must be zero. First, calculate oxidation numbers of the major atoms in the reactants and products.

    Sulfur in SO32-, oxidation state +4 (-6 due to oxygen, +4 in sulfur gives 2- overall charge).
    Chromium in Cr2O72-, Oxidation state +6 (-14 due to oxygen, +6 for two Cr atoms gives 2- overall charge).

    Sulfur in SO42-, oxidation state +6 (-8 due to oxygen, +6 in sulfur gives 2- overall charge).
    Chromium in Cr3+ ion, oxidation state +3.
    Δ\Delta OS for sulfur = +2 (from +4 to +6)
    Δ\Delta OS for chromium = -3 x 2 Cr atoms (from +6 to +3) = -6

    Δ\Delta OS must balance to zero, therefore:
    3 x SO32-\enspace \enspace SO42- gives total Δ\Delta OS of +6
    1 x Cr2O72-\enspace \enspace Cr3+ gives total Δ\Delta OS of -6
    This balances the oxidation state.
    Balance major atoms:

    3SO32- + Cr2O72-\enspace \enspace 3SO42- + 2Cr3+

    Now, balance oxygen with H2O:

    3SO32- + Cr2O72-\enspace \enspace 3SO42- + 2Cr3+ + 4H2O

    Next, balance hydrogen with H+:

    3SO32- + Cr2O72- + 8H+\enspace \enspace 3SO42- + 2Cr3+ + 4H2O

    Check that the charge is balanced:

    3SO32- + Cr2O72- + 8H+\enspace \enspace 3SO42- + 2Cr3+ + 4H2O

Introduction to Balancing Redox Equations

Balancing redox equations is a crucial skill in chemistry, essential for understanding complex chemical reactions. Our introduction video serves as a fundamental starting point, providing a clear overview of the concept and its significance in various chemical processes. This video lays the groundwork for mastering redox reactions, ensuring students grasp the basic principles before diving deeper. The course focuses on two primary methods for balancing redox equations: half equations and oxidation number method. The half equation method involves separating the reaction into two half-reactions, while the oxidation number method tracks changes in oxidation states. Both techniques are equally important and offer different approaches to solving redox equations. By mastering these methods, students will be well-equipped to tackle more complex chemical reactions in advanced chemistry courses and real-world applications. Understanding these balancing techniques is crucial for fields such as electrochemistry, corrosion science, and battery technology.

  1. What is the difference between oxidation and reduction in redox reactions?

    Oxidation involves the loss of electrons, while reduction involves the gain of electrons. In redox reactions, these processes occur simultaneously. A helpful mnemonic to remember this is "OIL RIG" - Oxidation Is Loss, Reduction Is Gain. When an atom's oxidation state increases, it undergoes oxidation; conversely, a decrease in oxidation state indicates reduction.

  2. How do I choose between the half equation method and the oxidation number method?

    The choice depends on the nature of the reaction and the information required. The half equation method is particularly useful for aqueous reactions and provides a clear visualization of electron transfer. It's ideal for electrochemistry and studying galvanic or electrolytic cells. The oxidation number method is more versatile and can be applied to a wider range of reactions, including non-aqueous environments and complex molecules. It's often quicker to apply and doesn't require as much knowledge about reaction conditions.

  3. What are some common challenges in balancing redox equations?

    Common challenges include identifying oxidation and reduction half-reactions, dealing with complex ions or molecules, balancing charges in acidic or basic solutions, handling reactions where the same element appears in different oxidation states, and dealing with spectator ions. To overcome these, practice assigning oxidation numbers, break down complex ions into simpler components, follow a step-by-step approach for balancing, and eliminate spectator ions early in the process.

  4. How do I balance redox equations in basic solutions?

    To balance redox equations in basic solutions, first balance the equation as if it were in acidic solution. Then add OH- ions to neutralize H+ ions, and finally simplify the equation by combining H+ and OH- to form water molecules. This approach allows you to use the same principles as acidic solutions while accounting for the basic environment.

  5. Why is it important to learn both methods for balancing redox equations?

    Learning both the half equation and oxidation number methods provides a comprehensive understanding of redox chemistry. Each method has its strengths: the half equation method offers detailed insight into electron flow, while the oxidation number method is more broadly applicable. By mastering both, you'll be equipped to handle a wide range of redox reactions in various contexts, from simple inorganic reactions to complex organic processes, enhancing your problem-solving skills in chemistry.


Understanding the foundation of chemistry is crucial when delving into more complex topics like balancing redox equations. Two key prerequisite topics play a vital role in mastering this skill: balancing chemical equations and calculating cell potential (voltaic cells). These fundamental concepts provide the necessary groundwork for comprehending and successfully balancing redox equations.

First and foremost, proficiency in balancing chemical equations is essential. This skill forms the backbone of understanding redox reactions. When balancing redox equations, you're essentially dealing with more complex chemical equations that involve the transfer of electrons. Without a solid grasp of basic equation balancing, tackling redox equations becomes significantly more challenging. The principles of conservation of mass and charge that you learn in basic equation balancing directly apply to redox equations, but with additional considerations for electron transfer.

Equally important is the knowledge of calculating cell potential in voltaic cells. This topic introduces you to the concept of electron flow and the oxidation-reduction process, which are at the heart of redox reactions. Understanding how electrons move between species in a voltaic cell provides crucial insight into the mechanics of redox reactions. This knowledge helps you identify which species are being oxidized (losing electrons) and which are being reduced (gaining electrons) a critical step in balancing redox equations.

Moreover, familiarity with cell potentials enhances your ability to predict the direction of redox reactions. This predictive power is invaluable when working with complex redox equations, as it guides you in determining which reactions are spontaneous and how to properly balance the electron transfer. The concept of half-reactions, which you encounter when studying voltaic cells, is directly applicable to the method of balancing redox equations using half-reaction equations.

By mastering these prerequisite topics, you build a strong foundation for tackling redox equations. Balancing chemical equations hones your skills in maintaining atomic and charge balance, while understanding redox reactions in basic solutions through cell potential calculations familiarizes you with the behavior of electrons in chemical reactions. Together, these skills equip you with the necessary tools to approach redox equations with confidence and accuracy.

In conclusion, the journey to mastering the balancing of redox equations is built upon these fundamental concepts. By investing time in thoroughly understanding these prerequisite topics, you'll find that the complexities of redox equations become much more manageable. This solid foundation not only aids in balancing redox equations but also deepens your overall understanding of electrochemistry and redox processes in various chemical systems.