Operations on complex numbers in polar form

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Now Playing:Operations on complex numbers in polar form – Example 1a
  1. Multiplying complex numbers in polar form
    1. 4(cos(5π3)+isin(5π3))8(cos(2π3)+isin(2π3)) 4(\cos(\frac{5\pi}{3})+i \sin(\frac{5\pi}{3})) \cdot 8(\cos(\frac{2\pi}{3})+i \sin(\frac{2\pi}{3}))

    2. (cos(170)+isin(170))5(cos(45)+isin(45)) (\cos(170^{\circ})+i \sin(170^{\circ}))\cdot 5(\cos(45^{\circ})+i \sin(45^{\circ}))

    3. 3(cos(π)+isin(π))(cos(π5)+isin(π5))6(cos(2π3)+isin(2π3))3(\cos(\pi)+i \sin(\pi))\cdot(\cos(\frac{\pi}{5})+i \sin(\frac{\pi}{5}))\cdot6(\cos(\frac{2\pi}{3})+i \sin(\frac{2\pi}{3}))

Introduction to imaginary numbers
Let's find out how to perform some basic operations on complex numbers in polar form! We will briefly introduce the notion of the exponential form of a complex number, then we will focus on multiplication and division on complex numbers in polar form.

Polar form
real part
a=zcosθa=|z|\cos \theta
imaginary part
b=zsinθb=|z|\sin \theta
z=z(cosθ+isinθ)z=|z|(\cos \theta+i\sin \theta)

When …
Multiplying: multiply the absolute values, and add the angles
Dividing: divide the absolute values, and subtract the angles

Exponential form
z=zeiθz=|z|e^{i \theta}