Exponential growth and decay by percentage

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Now Playing:Exponential growth and decay by percentage– Example 1
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  1. exponential growth/decay by percentage

    The population of rabbits is increasing by 70% every 6 months.
    Presently there are 500 rabits. How many years will it take for
    the population to reach 1,000,000?
    Build your skill!Try your hand with these practice questions.
    Exponential growth and decay by a factor
    Exponential growth/decay rates can be presented in percentages. We will work on questions of this kind in this lesson.
    exponential growth/decay: Af=Ai(f)timeperiod { A_f = A_i (f)^{time\over period}}

    Af {A_f} : final amount
    Ai {A_i} : initial amount
    f {f }
    : growth/decay factor
    half-timef=12 \to f = {1\over 2}
    f=3\to f = {3}
    f=10 \to f = {10}
    increase by 10%f=(1+10100)=1.1 \to f = {({1 + {10\over 100}}) } { = 1.1}
    decrease by 8%f=(18100)=0.92 \to f = {({1 - {8\over 100}}) } { = 0.92}
    time {time} : total time given
    period {period} : every length of time